About Assane

Helping each other can make world better

A.S.S.A.N.E is an acronym for Assisting & Serving African Nations Emerge. We are a foundation that looks to provide an array of complete services to the citizens of Senegal with the intent to emerge from our grassroots and help other African Nations.

Our Main objectives are of four imperative focal points.

  • We will offer community assistance to individuals or families with food.
  • Support medical related needs from aiding in the purchasing of medication, medical supplies and supplementing expenses for some medical procedures.
  • Small financial assistance.
  • Facilitating assistance with emergency home repairs.

Get to Know the Founder

Iman Assane Mbengue

Originally from Dakar senegal West Africa, Imam Assane Mbengue became employed as the first Muslim from west africa to be employed for HFD int his capacity

After 15 years of service, imam Assane created his own companies. spring staffing services and EMS today LLC. With these companies, he has helped staff many hospitals around the Houston area.

At the on sight of covid-19, assane was tasked to offer testing and vaccination at various locations around the city of Houston, Texas. Additionally he worked closely US state Representative Sheila Jackson Lee was another close affiliate in offering testing and vaccines to the underserved, overlooked, and impoverished members of the Houston community, all free of charge. with a vision to assist with the improvement of many areas in need in senegal, A.S.S.A.N.E Foundation was born. knowing that resources in education, mental health, medical care and recreation are seriously limited he as decided to pull from various networks to bring about urgently necessary changes. It is our prayer that this initiative will be impactful, and transformative for many is senega. Eventually emerging to assist other African nations in the future.

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better life and future

A.S.S.A.N.E is an acronym for Assisting & Serving African Nations Emerge. We are a foundation that.